Thursday, May 10, 2012

High Tunnel Producer Technical Workshops

From the Penn State Extension office, Franklin County

          The Capital Resource Conservation & Development Area Council (Capital RC&D) is teaming up with members of Penn State's High Tunnel Research and Education program to provide information about potential issues and to address pest and soil questions associated with high tunnel management over the course of three workshops scheduled for May 9th in Biglerville, PA, May 17th and September 6 in Rock Springs, PA.

          McCleaf’s Orchard in Biglerville, PA is the site of the first workshop on May 9th from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. The workshop will begin with presentations about small fruit with Kathy Demcheck from Penn State’s Horticulture Department and tree fruit with Jim Schupp with the Penn State Fruit Research Lab. The orchard owner, Corey McCleaf will provide a tour of the orchard and specialty crop plantings and be followed by updates about spring IPM and cropload management. This session is free but registration is requested by May 4.

          The PSU High Tunnel Research and Education Facility in Rock Springs, PA will be the site for the May 17 and September 6th workshops (10:00 AM – 3:00 PM). Mike Orzolek and Bill Lamont from the Penn State Horticulture Department will be joined by Jennifer Landry, Penn State high tunnel manager, to discuss topics such as structure selection and maintenance, production inputs, cropping options, conservation issues, and marketing.

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