Thursday, February 14, 2013

Book Signing and Art Show

Waynesboro Historical Society will host a
 book signing and art show
at its Oller House headquarters at
138 W. Main St. from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 10.
Guest authors and artists include:
Mary Alice Baumgardner — “No Excuse for the Skunk”
Marie Lanser Beck and Maxine Beck — “The Royers of Renfrew — A Family Tapestry” and “The Royers of Renfrew — The Threads of Change”
Becky Dietrich — “Once Upon a Life or The Vintage Years, Fore and Aft”
Ruth Gembe “A Visit to Roadside” and assorted books from the Waynesboro Historical Society collection
Terry McClellan with works by John McClellan — “A River to Cross” and “Blue Ridge Summit — The Beginnings, The Counterfeiters”
Robert Morrow — “The Black and White Art of Robert Morrow”
Sally Sawyer — “Prelude to Reveille — A Vietnam Awakening”
Candice Whitsel will display prints by her late husband, artist Landis Brent Whitsel, and there will be prints, paintings and note cards by Yvonne Leasure.
The public is invited. Admission is free.
For more information, call Helen Shelley at 765-0191.
Photo caption: Becky Dietrich displays her book ‘Once Upon a Life or The Vintage Years, Fore and Aft.’ Dietrich is one of the guest authors and artists scheduled to attend a book signing and art show March 10 in Waynesboro Historical Society.

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