Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Diseases and Insects Affecting Our Forests

From Penn State Extension

On Thursday, March 14, 2013, at the Cumberland Woodland Owners Association meeting, Sharon Coons and Nathan Fite, Foresters with the PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry, will be speaking about diseases and insect pests threatening Pennsylvania forests.  Information for woodland owners on identification and methods for controlling forest insect pests such as Gypsy Moth, Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Emerald Ash Borer, Tent Caterpillars, Scale Insects, and Weevils will be presented. The meeting will be at 7:00 PM, at the Penn State Extension office which is located at 181 Franklin Farm Lane in Chambersburg.  The meeting is open to the public.  You do not have to be a member of the association and there is no cost to attend.  The workshop is handicap accessible.  If you need specific accommodations, please contact Penn State Cooperative Extension in advance at 717-263-9226.

It is estimated by the U.S. Forest Service that native forest insect pests and diseases cause losses of approximately 18% of forest products (e.g., lumber, pulp) valued at $9.8 billion annually.  Invasive insects, plants, and microbes also have had and continue to have a significant harmful impact on U.S. forests.  It is estimated by the U.S. Forest Service that economic damages caused by non-indigenous species and costs for control and management of these species exceed $137 billion per year. 

Pennsylvania annually surveys approximately 17 million acres of public and private forestlands to determine the impact of forest pests throughout the Commonwealth.  Surveys focus not only on current pest threats, but also on pests that have historically caused damage to Pennsylvania's forest resources, as well as invasive threats that are not yet here. 

The Cumberland Woodland Owners Association is an organization of private forestland owners and others interested in forestry issues in south central Pennsylvania. The mission of the association is to provide information, education and an exchange of ideas to its members and others about the methods and benefits of proper forest management.  For more information about the Cumberland Woodland Owners Association and the February 9th meeting, contact Fred Peabody at 717-776-3565. 

***Penn State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity university***

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